

Jurdisdictional and Administrative Links

Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America

Orthodox Church in America

Diocese of the West

Online Directory of Orthodox Parishes in North America

Western American Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia

Greek Orthodox Metropolis of San Francisco

Antiochian Orthodox Diocese of Los Angeles and the West

Western American Diocese of the Serbian Orthodox Church

Local Orthodox Educational Institutions

Patriarch Athenagoras Orthodox Institute- Berkeley

Saints Cyril and Athanasius Institute for Orthodox Studies- San Francisco

Saint John of San Francisco Orthodox Academy- San Francisco

Saint Michael’s Orthodox School- Santa Rosa

Saint Lawrence Academy- Felton

Local Orthodox Young Adult, Student, and Youth Fellowships

Orthodox Campus Fellowship

  1. *OCF operates at UC Berkeley, UC Davis, and Stanford University. UC Berkeley OCF meets on Tuesday evenings at the Patriarch Athenagoras Orthodox Institute.

Young Adult Orthodox Forum- Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church, San Francisco

Local Pilgrimage Sites

Holy Virgin Russian Orthodox Cathedral- San Francisco

*open daily, houses the relics of Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco

Holy Trinity Cathedral- San Francisco

*cathedral parish of the OCA Diocese of the West, oldest continuous Orthodox parish in the United States

Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk Church- San Francisco

  1. *former residence of Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco and site of the orphanage he founded

Old Holy Virgin Cathedral- San Francisco

*houses the mantia of Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco

Holy Assumption (Dormition) Monastery- Calistoga

Saint Seraphim of Sarov Orthodox Church- Santa Rosa

*one of the most beautiful Orthodox Churches in the United States

Fort Ross- Jenner

*Russian Fort and Trading Outpost, the Divine Liturgy is occasionally served in the historic chapel.

Monastery of Saint John- Manton

Saint Herman of Alaska Monastery- Platina

Greek Orthodox Monastery of the Life-Giving Spring and Saint Nicholas Ranch- Dunlap

Orthodox Organizations

International Orthodox Christian Charities

Fellowship of Orthodox Christians United to Serve (FOCUS North America)

Orthodox Christian Mission Center

Orthodox Christians for Life

Zoe for Life

Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry

Orthodox Christian Association of Medicine, Psychology, and Religion

Orthodox Christian Education Commission

Orthodox Church Capital Improvement Fund